The City of Bangor, county seat of Penobscot County, is the major commercial and cultural center for eastern and northern Maine. Its employee population is diverse, spread among ten worksites comprised of 11 different unions as well as a non-union population. Maintaining a healthy and productive workforce is important for several reasons, including the future growth and safety of the City and shrinking municipal budgets. Prior to selecting Cigna as their health service partner, they were facing a very significant premium increase due to a number of high-cost claimants.


Taking into account the City’s budget constrictions, the fact that the new plan would serve both the active employee population as well as retirees, the variety of union-sponsored requests, and the
employees’ need for a large network, Cigna and the City embarked on a strategy.


Learn how Bangor's parternship with Cigna resulted in $156,00 ROI. Download the case study today!


New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!