Bridge the Gaps in Your Professional Development


Each year, VLGMA makes available several professional training sessions. The primary training sessions include 2 annual meetings held in early summer and winter. The annual conferences feature three days of programs and activities designed to promote professional and personal development. Officers and executive committee members for the association are elected at the summer conference.

VLGMA Support Network

The VLGMA Support Network continues to grow in importance within the association. This network is a commitment of the executive committee and the membership to help members get to know one another better and be available to help each other, particularly in times of personal need or stress. The executive committee has divided the state into 22 support districts. These districts coincide with the boundaries of the state planning district commissions. Each support district has a support coordinator who seeks to facilitate the support activities within his/her support district and is the point person to turn to in time of need. Work of the support network is supplemented by the VLGMA/ICMA Senior Advisor (formerly Range Rider) Program. Eleven retired Virginia managers serve as friends and counselors to the profession and as a resource to call on during time of need.