Report of a three-year study of three cities that received funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Choice Neighborhoods Program.
Retired City Manager Arthur Pizzano, Fairfield, OH, placed consistent emphasis on meeting the needs of residents and supporting local businesses, while building a strong sense of community. His customer-centric approach yielded measurable results.
A community came together to solve its problems with one project.
Bedford adopted its first affordable housing plan in 1986. As housing prices soared in the 1990s, however, many Bedford residents found it difficult to remain in the town. Hardest hit were residents who'd grown up there; long-time residents who had trouble maintaining their homes as they aged; military families from the local Air Force base; and employees of the town and local businesses.
According to a new report released by the Department of Energy, changes in climate create diverse challenges across the U.S. energy system. The report examines current and potential future impacts of a changing climate and extreme weather on the energy sector at the regional level. An overview of environmental conditions are provided for 9 regions covering the continental U.S. plus Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
In 2009, the city of Beverly Hills embarked on a strategic effort to strengthen its economic base by developing a five-year Economic Sustainability Plan.