Austin, Texas

Homelessness remained a persistent problem in Austin, TX, (pop. 912,791). Without question, it is a complex issue that requires the involvement of multiple organizations outside of local government. So what is a professional local government manager to do when asked to come up with a plan for addressing it?

Evaluating practices from other cities is a good place to start, which former City Manager Marc Ott did when he led delegations to Miami and Phoenix to learn about their programs. But in doing so, Ott realized that he was still missing something. He struggled to make a direct connection with the marginalized and disadvantaged residents he had been charged to serve.

In an extraordinary example of leadership and citizen engagement, Ott—unbeknownst to all but a few— gave up his suit and tie, quit shaving, gathered some belongings in a duffel bag, and set out on foot to the downtown homeless shelter to spend the night. There, he engaged with people who were homeless and saw what living in a homeless shelter looks like through their eyes.

What he experienced permanently changed his perspective and galvanized his resolve to help. Reflecting on the experience, he noted that “…however dire the circumstances, even under those circumstances, people don’t necessarily lose their humanity—their need to help or give something to somebody else.” He added, “We’ve got to do something about it. I don’t control everything that affects that place. But I can’t be silent about it. I know that.”

It took three years, but under Ott’s direction, the city-owned downtown homeless shelter underwent critical renovations to HVAC systems, shower and restroom facilities, and structural deficiencies that Ott had experienced first-hand. Austin now has a multi-agency partnership focused on providing compassion and permanent supportive housing to those that need it, and ending homelessness in the city.

Meet the Manager


Marc Ott

Former City Manager
As city manager of Austin, Marc Ott ran a $2.6 billion-dollar municipal corporation with nearly 12,000 employees. Ott has more than 30 years of experience in local government management, serving as city manager of Austin from 2008 to 2016. He earned his BA and MPA from Oakland University.