Bozeman, Montana

What gets Bozeman, Montana to the top of many most livable cities lists? Of course the beauty of the surrounding Rockies, wilderness areas, trout streams and rivers attract visitors. But City Manager Chris Kukulski and residents alike appreciate the city’s infrastructure investments as well. The city has used creative approaches to financing new or improved public buildings, streets, and water and sewer treatment systems. As a result, despite exponential growth, the city has been able to minimize the impact of new residents and visitors on the environment, keeping its natural beauty…and blue ribbon trout streams intact.

Here are a few examples of the city’s accomplishments:

  • While accounting for significant past growth and expected future growth, developed a 20-year capital improvements plan for streets, sewer, water, public safety, and facilities;
Bozeman, MT: Infrastructure Investments Support Outdoor Lifestyle

Water Treatment Plant

  • Set a finance plan in place to construct the capital improvements for water, sewer, and streets;
  • Created a storm water utility to keep the local water systems clean and safe for consumption, recreation, and stewardship;
  • Built a new state-of-the-art Water Treatment Plant recognized by, among others, The American Public Works Association’s Public Works Project of the Year (Rocky Mountain Region) and the 2015 National Recognition Award in the Engineering Excellence Awards Competition from the American Council of Engineering Companies;
Bozeman, MT: Infrastructure Investments Support Outdoor Lifestyle

Water Reclamation Facility Fermenter

  • Built an award-winning Water Reclamation Facility, with new, cutting-edge technology. The project won the 2011 Gascoigne Award from the Water Environment Federation for Research in Wastewater Treatment Plant Operational Improvement and was named one of the Top Ten National Projects by the Water and Waste Digest for 2014.
  • Developed new funding mechanisms to fund neglected street upkeep and improvements.
  • Currently designing a new, joint Law & Justice Center with the County.

The top livable cities articles like this one describe a tech entrepreneur being able to “bike to work and go fly-fishing and kayaking…. and skiing.” But investments the city has made, and continues to make, also account for quality of life in Bozeman.

Meet the Manager


Chris Kukulski

City Manager
Chris A. Kukulski has been City Manager of the City of Bozeman, MT since 2004. Prior to Bozeman he was City Manager of Kalispell, MT, and Village Manager of Jonesville, Michigan. He began his career as an Economic Development Specialist in Marshall, Michigan. In 2013 he received an ICMA 20 Year Service Award. He has an MPA from Western Michigan University and received his undergraduate degree from Western Michigan as well.