Getting a Government Shelter to “No Kill” with Grit, Gumption and Progressive Programming Case Study
In 2013, Pima County knew it could do better.
The initial Blue & You Police-Community Forum: Perspectives from Youth & Teens was held in Athens, GA in April , 2016.
Established in 2004, ACCess Wellness is a voluntary employee benefit dedicated to enhancing the mind, body and spirit of Athens-Clarke County employees and retirees.
Cities leverage the arts to make capital and economic infastructure investments through projects such as cultural districts and public art.
The New Gold Mine: Creating a Circular Economy Hub - The City of Phoenix is converting 80 acres adjacent to a transfer station that includes a materials...
The #TPSRides program enables high school students free access the city transit system while blending in a technology-driven trip planning application.
he program was initially conceived through a brainstorming session with the Chief Innovation Officer and County Manager...