Through its All-America Conversations initiative, the National Civic League is offering to teach communities how to hold conversations to help communities heal divides.
This letter to Congressional leaders supports preserving the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds.
ICMA is part of a consortium leading a $10 million, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development effort to provide resources and technical assistance to economically challenged communities across the country.
A way to honor and commemorate the work of Dr. King while celebrating the diversity of the community.
Suggestions for instilling performance management throughout the organization.
The Leadership Advisory Board advises the ICMA Executive Board on policy matters and staff on implementation of the 2014 Leadership Task Force recommendations.
A nationwide survey focused on the evolving role of public libraries in advancing community goals.
A robust, efficient, and well-maintained infrastructure system is critical to support and sustain the nation's economy and strengthen global competitiveness.