The fiscal year 2019 ICMA budget was approved at the June 2018 meeting of the ICMA Executive Board.
Tranter-Leong Fellowships enable ICMA members to "think globally, act globally."
Villanova University 2017-2018 ICMA Student Chapter Annual Report
University of Southern California 2017-2018 ICMA Student Chapter Annual Report
Kennesaw State University 2017-2018 ICMA Student Chapter Annual Repor
University of New Hampshire 2017-2018 ICMA Student Chapter Annual Report
Collins v. Virginia involved a county police officer. Justice Sotomayor is in her element protecting the little guy, and Justice Alito is angry, alone, and funny.
Public agency franchise fees vary from state to state, but the fair and consistent collection of fees is important no matter where a community is located.
These ICMA members have been recommended by the Credentialing Advisory Board to receive ICMA Credentialed Manager or Candidate status in July.