You asked and we heard. Join or renew with ICMA, at a new, reduced rate to become part of an integral network of 13,000+ local government management professionals.
ICMA resources to make the search and hiring process more efficient and effective.
ICMA welcomes mutually beneficial partnerships with private-sector and donor organizations, educational institutions, media, and state/local government management associations.
ICMA is committed to providing the job search and professional development support you need throughout your local government career.
ICMA has a long-standing reputation as a publisher of books and other resources for local government managers, assistant managers, department heads, and students....
At the very core of ICMA is the mission to promote an ethical culture in local government.
ICMA draws on the experience of local government practitioners, researchers, and expert consultants to design, implement, and evaluate local government projects worldwide.
At the very core of ICMA is the mission to promote an ethical culture in local government.
ICMA is launching an association-wide strategy to realize its vision on a global scale.