Building trust in local government can only formed through the aggregate behaviors and experiences of an organization’s individual members and leaders over time.
<p>Chesapeake, VA Takes a Tough Stance on Litter<br>
<p>CHESAPEAKE – The City of Chesapeake has launched a new anti-litter campaign aimed at combating this all too common problem today in cities across the globe. City Manager William Harrell and his Litter Task Force are educating citizens and business to be more responsible for their surroundings and help “Keep Chesapeake Beautiful” for years to come. <br>
Even in the best of economic times, choosing how to allocate budgets and non-financial resources is a challenge for state and local governments
Bob Bland, author of <i><b>A Budgeting Guide for Local Government, 2nd Edition</i></b>, summarizes Chapter 7, "Planning and Budgeting for Capital Improvements," and provides classroom discussion questions.
Ethics issues to consider for interim managers: participation in politics after accepting an interim position; whether or not to accept a position the day that the previous...
A white paper on issues related to call routing for 311 service...
The City of Riverside won an Award for Excellence for this project in the Planning and Environmental Quality category of the 2007 Helen Putnam Award for Excellence program.