Englewood’s Strategic Plan Element creates and implements the city’s economic development vision.
Solar Cities is a joint project of the cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin that is focused on educating consumers about residential solar energy.
Because storage is often a barrier to increasing bicycle usage, the City of Roseville created a bicycle parking and rack guide for developers and businesses.
<p><i>by Frank Benest </i><br>
<p>Many local governments across the United States have been forced to downsize in response to the ongoing recession, reduced revenues, and skyrocketing health care and other employee-benefit costs. To aggravate matters, some states have shifted money away from local governments to solve their own budgetary problems. Whatever the reasons, local government executives face more than a financial challenge in cutting budgets. An even bigger dilemma for executives is the leadership challenge of crafting a new and vital future for the downsizing organization. <br>
This report was prepared for the Little Rock Sustainability Commission.
This 2009 Request for Proposal seeks out a private firm to conduct a citywide survey of Aspen citizens.