Managers serve at the pleasure of their councils – whether you’re right or wrong doesn’t always matter. It’s important to stick to your principles. Don’t be persuaded or compromised. Do what’s right and you’ll always come out on top. Don’t be afraid to make the tough decisions and don’t be afraid to move on – those are the choices that build your character and will make you a better manager.

ICMA signs onto amicus brief filed by the State and Local Legal Center in McCullen v. Coakley.
The Partnership for Sustainable Communities (a joint project of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Transportation) launched the Location Affordability Portal last week. The goal of this project is to provide the public with reliable, user-friendly data and resources on combined housing and transportation costs to help consumers, policymakers, and developers make informed decisions about where to live, work, and invest.
That is something you should ask yourself when thinking about how your local government is using social media. While watching an informative webinar “Social Media in Government,” that I encourage you all to watch, I learned a few key lessons about what social media can do for local governments: