Navolato has established the first nonpartisan municipal administrator position in Mexico, thanks to years of groundwork by ICMA México-Latinoamérica and ICMA members.
Surveys have shown that 71% of city managers were under the age of 40 in the early 1970s while today only 13% of city managers are under the age of 40 (Henderson, 2008). While this may not seem like a big deal, it does mean that there is the potential for local governments to go through massive knowledge drains as long term city managers and department heads finally retire. Only 25% of respondents in the 2009 International Public Management Association for Human Resources said that their local government had an official succession plan in place. If your local government is part of the 75%

This document presents statistics on municipalities in the United States with populations of 2,500 and greater

This document shows which form of local government – council-manager or mayor-council – is the most prevalent in nine specific population ranges.