Most modern browsers (including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 7+, and Apple Safari) support RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, to subscribe to feeds of new content generated from web sites.  Standalone RSS readers are available as well.  Many web sites, blogs, and forums use RSS to allow users to keep abreast of new content, and it's a great way to make sure you don't miss the things you care about the most.

Several RSS feeds are available from different sections of ICMA's web site:

News Feeds

Podcast Feeds

Knowledge Network Feeds

  • Questions - All questions asked from within the Knowlege Network.  Find out what your colleagues are asking about, so you can contribute your knowledge or just find out what other people are discussing.
  • Topics - On each topic page, you'll see an option to subscribe to feeds of newly-posted articles or documents that have been tagged with that topic.