ICMA’s 100th anniversary is a great opportunity to raise awareness, both of the association and of the local government management profession.

There are many ways for you, your local government, and your state association or affiliate organization to join our celebration. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

Display the ICMA 100th anniversary logo

(local governments and state/affiliate organizations)

Your local government or state/affiliate organization is invited to download a version of ICMA's 100th anniversary logo for use on your website or correspondence. To be consistent with the ICMA brand and retain the appearance of the logos on different devices, we ask that you refrain from modifying the original graphic design.

Download ICMA anniversary logo in 300 dpi format (vertical) 

Download ICMA anniversary logo with dates in 300 dpi format (vertical)

Download ICMA anniversary logo with dates in 300 dpi format (horizonal)


Celebrate your local government employees
(local governments)

Honor your local government employees by issuing a special print or electronic letter thanking them for a job well done and for making your community a better place in which to work, live, and play.  If you have graphic design staff available, you may also want to develop an electronic thank-you card that can be emailed directly to employees. Below is a sample letter to get you started.

Download sample local government employee thank-you letter

Issue a resolution
(local governments)

Request that your mayor, city council, county commissioners, or other elected officials issue a resolution recognizing ICMA's 100th anniversary and the contributions of the professional local government managers within your community. Once your resolution has been signed, you can arrange for it to be presented during a public event. Send a copy to mfrisby@icma.org so that we can include it here as a sample for other local governments.

Download sample resolution


Adopt a proclamation
(state associations/affiliate organizations)

Demonstrate how much the members of your state association or affiliate organization recognize the value and contributions of ICMA and professional local government by adopting this anniversary proclamation at your next business meeting or other gathering.

Download sample proclamation (Word)

Download sample proclamation (pdf format)

Reach out to local schools
(Individual members)

Host a presentation and then distribute ICMA’s local government activitiy book, which is designed to teach students about the local government professional management. Expand upon the information included in the activity book to discuss how your local government organization works and to encourage kids to consider becoming a professional manager.

Download local government activity book

Speak to local schools and civic groups
(Individual Members)

Schedule a visit to your local elementary, middle, or secondary schools; colleges; and civic group meetings to talk about local government management as a career and inspire the next generation to public service. Print out and distribute information from ICMA's popular online wiki resource, Careers in Local Government.

Link to Careers in Local Government wiki

Hold a job shadowing day
(Individual Members)

Invite local high school students to spend a day with you on the job so they learn what a local government manager is and does.


Inspire your Colleagues
(state associations/affiliate organizations and individual members)

Get members of your state association or affiliate organization or an informal group of your colleagues talking about what the local government management profession will look like in the future and how they can prepare for it. Click on the links below to access the video and text of ICMA President Simon Farbrother's 2013 Annual Conference closing session address, plus a list of thought-provoking questions for the group to discuss.

Link to "Where Do You See the Future of the Profession?"



Interview a Local Government "Hero" or "Legend of the Profession"
(State Associations/Affiliate organizations and Individual Members)

Have your state or affiliate organization arrange for a professionally recorded interview or take out the camcorder yourself and schedule an interview with the veteran management warriors that you've known and worked alongside for years. A page of interview questions and video specifications are posted below, and once you've completed your interview, upload it to the "ICMA Experience" section of our anniversary website or send it to Amy Mayers at ICMA, amayers@icma.org.

Link to local government hero/legend of the profession interview questions and video specifications.



Promote ICMA's 100th Anniversary at Your State or Affiliate Association Meeting

Use these talking points to discuss the celebratory events that are happening at ICMA's 100th Annual Conference in Charlotte, September 14-17, 2014.

Link to Anniversary Talking Points