Fiscal crisis got you down?  Tired of focusing on bad news?  Need a good reason to celebrate? 

Since 1985, the President and Congress have designated the first Monday through Sunday in May as Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW). This annual event provides a “yearly opportunity to celebrate the everyday work of public servants and to improve public understanding of and appreciation for their contributions.” This year’s 25th PSRW anniversary celebration takes place May 4-10, 2009.

“Government Goes Green” is the theme of PSRW 2009, and the event is co-organized by the Partnership for Public Service (The Partnership) and the Public Employees Roundtable (PER). The capstone of the PSRW celebration is an event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., May 7-10, where more than 100 government agencies and nonprofit organizations will showcase a selection of their programs through interactive and educational exhibits. The event attracts more than 50,000 visitors, from federal workers to students to tourists.

Friday, May 8, is Students’ Day, when students of all ages can participate in fun-filled, educational activities, such as learning how to apply for student financial aid, observing deep sea divers from the U.S. Navy, and chatting with federal, state, and local government leaders. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will help kick off Students’ Day with remarks at 10:30 a.m.

Outside the Beltway, millions of other local, state, and federal employees across the country will celebrate PSRW. From Maine to Alaska, there’ll be festivals, open houses, parades, special recruitment efforts, recognition celebrations, and educational outreach initiatives. Mayors and governors around the country will be issuing proclamations designating May 4-10 as PSRW.

How can cities, towns, and counties use PSRW to educate citizens about the value of local government and professional management? Here’s a sample of some low-cost ideas:

  • Enourage your mayor, board chairman, or other elected official develop a proclamation declaring May 4-10 as a time to recognize the good work performed by the employees in your organization
  • Time an employee recognition or awards program to coincide with PSRW and use that opportunity to spotlight the work of the public employees within a single department or team or your entire organization
  • Run an ad in your local paper that publicly thanks employees for all their hard work, especially during these stressful economic times
  • Encourage the schools in your community to use PSRW as an opportunity to teach students about their local government, who works there, what they do, and how they do it. Volunteer to speak to students yourself and offer to bring/coordinate presentations and discussions with other local government employees. And don’t forget to use the week to promote careers in public service, specifically the local government management profession.

The PSRW Celebration Guide, packed with ideas your community can use to celebrate this important week, and other useful resources are available through the links below.

Don’t miss out the opportunity to use this week-long celebration as an opportunity to educate citizens about the work that you do, why you’ve chosen that work, and what a career in public service means to you. Celebrate Public Service Recognition Week, May 4-10, 2009, and celebrate the value professional management brings to our communities!