CPM Online Discussion Forum

The CPM Online Performance Measurement Forum will allow you and your colleagues to exchange information more easily. We hope that you find it convenient and easy to use. E-mail your comments and questions to cpmmail@icma.org.  Currently, there is a general category for online discussion and specific topics posted for each of the FY2008 template updates.

What Is a Discussion Forum?

A discussion forum combines email messages and web pages to discuss topics of interest to forum members.

Who Has Access to the ICMA CPM Forum?

All jurisdiction staff who have CPM passwords have access to the online forum. The purpose of the Performance Measurement Forum is to facilitate information sharing, learning, and communication among participants interested in issues relating to performance measurement and the CPM program. (For instructions on how to set up your own password, please see the attached instructions.)

Getting Started: The Basics

For posting and responding to topics, you may use e-mail and the Web discussion area. Using the e-mail option is similar to using an electronic mailing list; the Web discussion area provides greater flexibility and customization.   If you do prefer to e-mail your colleagues, we ask that you follow the instructions below to sign up for forum e-mails.

Accessing the ICMA CPM Forum Web Discussion Area

Go to https://forums.icma.org. If you are not already logged into ICMA.org, the forums Web page will prompt you to log in.  Please use the same user ID and password you use to access the CPM Website.

Once you have logged in, and you receive a message saying “Welcome to forums.icma.org...,” you will be able to select “Performance Measurement” from the menu to access the CPM Online Forum.  Click on any of the topics to view the original message and any responses.   (If you have not yet logged in, Performance Measurement will not appear in the Forum list.)

Signing Up for Forum E-mails

To receive email when new messages are posted, you may edit your “Personal Options” to receive a daily digest of all messages posted, or receive messages as they're posted. 

How to Post a Topic

By E-mail:  To post a new topic to the group, send an e-mail message to cpm@forums.icma.org ; your message will be distributed to all forum members who have signed up for e-mails from the group, and your message will be posted to the forums discussion area as a new topic.

By Web:  Alternatively, from within the forums Web discussion area, you may create a new topic by clicking on the “new topic” link at the top of the Web page.

How to Respond to an Existing Topic

By E-mail:  You may reply to Forum messages sent to you from other Forum members. Your response will be sent to all forum members who have signed up for e-mails from the group, and your message will also be posted to the relevant forums topic on the Web.

By Web:  Alternatively, when you are viewing any of the messages on the forums you will have the option to “reply” by clicking on the reply link next to the topic message. A pop-up window should appear.