Through placement (“Post”) on ICMA Social Media Networks (“Channels”), ICMA seeks to provide and amplify awareness of Corporate Partner Program Participants’ (“Partner”) thought-leadership, content, resources, products, and services that enhance the knowledge, operations, and service delivery

(“Content”) of key ICMA audiences and stakeholders (includes ICMA Members (“Members”), Affiliates, prospective members, and local government organizations (“Communities”)).

Partner Content Request

Social media requests will be processed on a rolling basis. All requests should be dedicated content (non-affiliated with ICMA-led content, events, resources, etc.) Partner Content to be reviewed for posting on ICMA Channels the following month. Content must be educational and not promotional and should highlight, benefit, or inform Members and Communities.

Scheduling and Criteria

  • Partner can receive up to one dedicated Content Post per month (first to the last day of respective month) based on availability.
  • No more than three Partner Posts will be scheduled in one week per Channel.
  •  Content must be submitted two weeks in advance of desired Post date.
  •  I cannot accept any links that have not been published.
  • When submitting content please include the date you are requesting to have content posted on (if applicable, however, date is not guaranteed), the desired channel you want your content to be posted on, the social copy, link, and image.
    •  Please provide an image sized 1280 x 720px
  • Post availability is determined by order of Content submitted – first submitted will be first reviewed, and if eligible, first scheduled.
  • Metrics will be shared with Partner on a quarterly basis, no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of the quarter
  • All Content is reviewed and Posted at the discretion of ICMA
  • If Partner does not provide Content, ICMA will decide Content at its discretion and Post is not guaranteed.

Download Guidelines

For any inquiries, please contact:

Tatiana Jaenke

Digital Marketing Specialist