All members working in service to a local government, whether it is on a full-time, part-time, or interim basis, are expected to adhere to Tenet 7 and its commitment to political neutrality. ICMA’s Committee on Professional Conduct, the Executive Board subcommittee that determines whether a member’s conduct has violated the Code, has consistently concluded a member cannot effectively serve the organization when a member engages in political activity that has the potential to undermine public confidence. This means members should not engage in efforts such as signing or circulating petitions in support for, or against, a recall election.
Applicable Tenet and Guidelines
Tenet 7. Refrain from all political activities which undermine public confidence in professional administrators. Refrain from participation in the election of the members of the employing legislative body.
Elections of the Governing Body. Members should maintain a reputation for serving equally and impartially all members of the governing body of the local government they serve, regardless of party. To this end, they should not participate in an election campaign on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for the governing body.
Elections. Members share with their fellow citizens the right and responsibility to vote. However, in order not to impair their effectiveness on behalf of the local governments they serve, they shall not participate in political activities to support the candidacy of individuals running for any city, county, special district, school, state or federal offices. Specifically, they shall not endorse candidates, make financial contributions, sign or circulate petitions, or participate in fund-raising activities for individuals seeking or holding elected office.