For Frederick County, MD and the nation, changing demographics are creating the imperative to plan for an aging population, which will have doubled from the year 2000 to 2030. The sheer numbers of baby boomers have changed the nature of our society from their adolescence to their aging years. They expect their communities to adjust to their longer life spans, provide a variety of choices in key areas of life, support their ambition to work or volunteer in activities that are suitable for their expertise and experience, and accommodate their desire to continue active engagement in their neighborhoods and communities for many years to come.

Fortunately, Frederick County is attuned to present and future issues around aging populations. In 2012 the Board of County Commissioners selected JustPartners, Inc. (JPI), in partnership with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), to undertake a needs assessment of the County’s aging population. The purpose of the assessment is to enable Frederick County to analyze and implement the most needed services and amenities to enhance independent lifestyles and services for older adults, support their families and caregivers, and promote aging in place initiatives.

For the assessment, the views of a broad cross-section of Frederick County residents were solicited, to include older adults, boomers, those under 50, and many stakeholders representing County government, municipal leadership, non-profit and service organizations, faith-based institutions, and business interests in the County. Of particular note is the impressive number of surveys completed by Frederick County residents – over one thousand. These views played a critical role in the development of this assessment and the determination of priorities and strategies set forth in this document. To frame and supplement the views of these constituencies, JPI/ICMA undertook a scan and analysis of local, state and national data, trends, strategies and practices.

This report reflects both the valuable assets that older residents are to the county as well as the needs these residents encounter as they age and provides a guiding framework for Frederick County in the future.


Needs Assessment of the Aging Population in Frederick County, MD: The full report, as prepared by JPI and ICMA, was presented to county leaders with detailed information on research, methodology, and recommended strategies.

Executive Summary - Needs Assessment of the Aging Population in Frederick County, MD: This abbreviated version of the report prepared by JPI and ICMA highlights the proposed goals and cross-cutting themes identified through the project.


For further information, please contact Andrea Fox at