The Itinerary

The study-tour will begin in the State of Karnataka, home to the City of Bangalore, the technological outsourcing capital of the world.  Participants will have the opportunity to witness how Bangalore’s leaders are handling this type of local economic development, and will also have the opportunity to discuss with Bangalore’s leaders the methods by which the city built its tech industry and its citizen information centers.  From Bangalore the study-tour will move on to the City of Ahmedabad, in the State of Gujarat.  Ahmedabad is home to ICMA South Asia, ICMA’s permanent office in the region.  While in Ahmedabad, participants will have the opportunity to see historical preservation planning and development efforts undertaken by the local government.  Participants will also get to discuss Ahmedabad’s online bill payment and property tax systems with city leaders.  From Ahmedabad, participants can choose to travel back to the United States or experience some of the history of India on an optional excursion to Delhi with a side trip to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal at Agra.      

Delhi is the capital of India and is considered a Union Territory, which means that it is not part of any state, but rather is governed directly by the national government.  With a population of over 12 million, participants will experience firsthand the enormity of one of the world’s ten largest cities.  Of particular interest will be the “illegal” neighborhoods existing within the city and how the local government handles the myriad issues faced by and in these neighborhoods. 

For more information and to register for the study tour, please visit: or contact Andrew Haugen at, 202-962-3527.


2006 India Study Tour Itinerary (pdf, 186 KB)