ICMA invites cities, counties, associations, and other organizations to consider participating in an ICMA CityLinks partnership. Despite its name, CityLinks engages urban service organizations, special districts, nongovernmental organizations, and other entities that have resources or expertise to share with municipalities in the following  interrelated and broadly defined areas:

  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation, including responses to drought and water shortages, environmental pollution, deforestation, and other threats
  • Built environment and infrastructure management, including solid waste collection, landfills, access to water, water/wastewater facilities, recycling programs, land use, and community facilities planning
  • Food security, including nutrition programs and access to affordable, healthy foods
  • Local economic development, including sustainable development, business incubators, tourism development, microfinance programs, and job creation
  • Financial and administrative management, including municipal budgeting and accounting, full or partial cost recovery through user fees, and active participatory processes
  • Anti-corruption and transparency, including open decision-making processes, transparent budgeting, and code of ethics development
  • Performance measurement, including development and use of performance indicators for service delivery and collection of citizen satisfaction data to guide priority setting.

ICMA CityLinks can be accessed through the City-to-City Partnerships Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement, described in the section on "Accessing Our Services." For information, contact Judit Deilinger at ICMA.