Data Science | ICMA

Digital Regulation | ICMA

Intelligent Communities | ICMA


Innovation Agenda

Smart Cities

ICMA recently rolled-out a smart communities framework, focused on technology, human, institutional, energy and data components. The framework includes a how-to conceptual design guide for our members and communities.

Data Science

Data science is no longer a luxury at the local government level; it is a necessity. ICMA will be supporting its members and communities with comprehensive data science support services and best practices to promote next-gen problem solving.

Digital Regulation

With autonomous vehicles, drones, e-scooters, and dock-less bikes proliferating communities at a furious pace, digital regulation has become a critical component. ICMA will provide digital regulation solutions to ensure all these services can be managed effectively.

Data Sphere

DataSphere will manage, visualize, find, use and share urban data across the U.S. and abroad. It will provide complex data science capabilities. The accompanying data catalog will include public safety, mobility, energy, IoT, transit, education, policy and performance.


ICMA’s idea and problem solving service will launch in Spring 2019 - facilitating innovation across people, process, policy, data and technology to all ICMA members and partners.

Mobile Tech Team

ICMA’s tech team will become dual facing. It will oversee internal IT infrastructure, customer service, data management and requests. It will also provides subject matter expertise and services to members, their communities and partners.

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