• We will engage our members and partners in a process of listening in the coming weeks with the purpose of understanding what our profession needs in order to deliver on the work of our mission and vision through the lens of equity and inclusion.
  • We will revisit our Code of Ethics to better integrate our ethical commitment to racial justice and equity into the very fiber of the 12 tenets.
  • We will build ICMA’s capacity with new knowledge resources, training, and consulting to arm our members with the skills to drive the required changes in equitable governance.
  • We will Identify and support changes that increase transparency in public safety services and undertake an objective examination of professional policing.
  • We will integrate equity and inclusion training into our global and regional events on a permanent basis.
  • We as an Executive Board will engage in training to ensure that we do not bring our own biases to the work that our members have asked us to do.