Maximize the Potential of Your Public Library: A New Report from ICMA

Learn how public libraries can help local governments tackle critical community priorities such as economic development, public safety, environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, education, and literacy. This new report and accompanying case studies provide examples and instructive guides on how public libraries in jurisdictions large and small are partnering with local governments and organizations to develop innovation solutions for important strategic initiatives.

Click here to download a free copy of Maximize the Potential of Your Public Library.




Join the Discussion on Public Libraries

ICMA also invites you to join the discussion on how to harness the value of public libraries in the Local Government Knowledge Network. Read articles, download reports, and connect with others to explore leading ideas for creating great communities. The Knowledge Network is an open system available without charge to anyone interested in local government.

Click here to visit the libraries topic page in the Knowledge Network.




About the ICMA Public Library Innovations Program

Public libraries are evolving. Once an institution devoted to book circulation, today's libraries provide communities with Internet connectivity, career services, immigration assistance, economic development, teen services, childhood literacy, public safety, and other important services. A recent ICMA survey revealed that strong partnerships between the local government manager's office and library staff is key to maximizing the potential of public libraries in meeting community needs. The ICMA Public Library Innovations Program, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, provides resources that help local governments strengthen the manager/librarian partnership and develop strategic and innovative ways of using libraries to improve lives.



For more information about the ICMA Public Library Innovations Program, contact Keith Strigaro at
