Couldn't make it to Richmond, Virginia, in September but want to benefit from the educational session content? Audio and PowerPoint presentations from three sessions are now available online.

There is no fee to view the webcasts, which are available only to ICMA members. Provide feedback on this member service by e-mailing comments to conference director Ross Hoff at

Buried Assets and Buried Liabilities: Dealing with Aging, Hidden Infrastructure
What you can’t see can’t hurt you, your citizens, or your local government, right? Wrong! This session focuses on helping participants identify and reduce the potential liabilities of "hidden" infrastructure—decaying underground sewer lines, corroding water pipes, etc. You will gain a knowledge of strategies and new technologies, such as geographic information system (GIS) mapping, underground video, and CarteGraph, for detecting and correcting potential infrastructure liabilities.

Session Leader: Thomas G. Younger, town administrator, Belmont, Massachusetts

Panelists: Ralph T. Jones, managing director, The Cadmus Group, Inc., Watertown, Massachusetts; S. Wayne Miles, vice president, Infrastructure Rehabilitation Services, CDM, Raleigh, North Carolina; Sunil Sinha, project leader and associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, Virginia

  1. Jones Presentation 
  2. Miles Presentation
  3. Sinha Presentation

Strategic Management Required: The Mobile Employee in the Era of High Fuel Costs
Rising fuel costs, increasing concerns about sustainability, and attention to employee satisfaction are leading many of the country’s employers, including local governments, to examine their strategic management of the mobile employee. From satellite offices, to reduced use of municipal or county vehicles, to telecommuting, managers are examining how employees are deployed or located within the jurisdiction to meet work goals while reducing travel. This session discusses employee mobility and an ICMA project focusing on strategies and techniques for considering mobile workforce programs.

Panelists: Larry Arnold, Sarasota County, Florida; Larry Fredrich, director, Government Services, Runzheimer International; Kirby M. Bowers, county administrator, Loudoun County, Virginia

  1. Arnold Presentation
  2. Fredrich Presentation
  3. Bowers Presentation 

Addiction in the Workplace
It can be challenging to handle the stress of our jobs in a constructive way; unfortunately, this stress sometimes leads to addiction. This session discusses how to recognize and deal with addiction in the workplace, among both our staffs and ourselves. Information on how to develop workplace policies to address this issue also is provided.

Session Leader: Tammi Saddler, assistant town manager, Berlin, Connecticut

Panelists: Charles V. Bowman, city manager, Greenfield, Ohio; Susan Wilcox, founder, We Q, Kent, Ohio

  1. Wilcox Presentation