"The bridges we fail to repair today will have to be rebuilt tomorrow at many times the cost" - Ronald Reagan

infrastructure improvements

Between 1956 and 1992 nearly 50,000 miles of highway was constructed as part of the largest public works project in American history. Today a large percentage of America's roads and bridges are in a state of disrepair. According to the American Society for Civil Engineers an investment of $930 billion over five years is needed to provide the necessary repairs to our aging infrastructure. 

With national unemployment levels hovering around 9 percent, infrastructure improvement could also be a much needed vehicle for job creation. 

transportation reauthorization

Local government leaders know that a commitment to funding surface transportation is necessary to their overall success. America's surface transportation infrastructure is aging and some structures are in desperate need of repair. Additionally, state and local budget situations remain dire, forcing cuts in public transportation programs nationwide. 

In early 2011 four local government groups released their Guiding Principles on Surface Transportation, which outline policy principles on surface transportation. 


U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee