Event Info

This session will be a highly interactive opportunity to share ideas with colleagues, learn new techniques, and leave with tools to help you make an immediate leadership difference in your organization. You will develop leadership competencies for personal and organizational success along with performance plans.
- Plan for a dynamic learning opportunity to improve inter-municipal and inter-agency cooperation.
- Gain a triple ‘A’ rating on collaborative relations through good assessment, analysis, and action.
- Develop a clear rationale and principles for collaboration agreements.
- Use criteria to identify ideal targets for shared services.
- Learn strategies to develop regional strategies.
Participants will
- Discuss the benefits and pitfalls of cooperation efforts.
- Explore process steps for initiating and sustaining successful collaboration.
- Apply techniques to develop shared service and mutual strategies.
- Leave with a toolkit to implement a service capacity review.

Gordon McIntosh, PhD, CLG
Gordon has 40 years of local government management, educator and consultancy roles. He provides governance, strategic and leadership services and serves as Executive Advisor at CivicExcellence. He has conducted 1,300 workshops involving 140,000 people on a myriad of topics. Gordon received the Professional Award of Excellence and served as President of the BC Local Government Management Association. As Chief Administrative Officer, he worked with a 26-member Council for the 470 Gulf Islands in British Columbia. Dr. McIntosh’s research focuses on the political/administrative interface and CAO leadership role. Faculty roles include the Uongozi Institute for a Sustainable Africa and Universities of Victoria, Dalhousie, Cape Breton and British Columbia. He has delivered conference presentations and sessions, executive workshops, and customized programs for local, First Nation, Métis, and regional governments as well as municipal associations throughout Canada and overseas, including Palestine, United States, Caribbean, South America, Sri Lanka, Africa, and Philippines. Alumni say his sessions are fast-paced, interactive, humorous, and practical.

Meighan Wark
Meighan is the CAO of Huron County in Ontario. She has over a decade of senior leadership experience in a municipal environment. Active in various municipal organizations, Meighan serves on ICMA's ACAO Committee to help develop tools and resources for new and upcoming senior leaders.