Event Info


Eastern Time (North America)


ICMA Member


Seminario web sobre el Rol de los Gobiernos Locales en la Promoción del Desarrollo Económico
Júntense a nosotros para el segundo panel de la serie sobre desarrollo económico local promovido por ICMA, LGHN y CAMCAYCA.

Escuchan a cuatro lideres de Puerto Rico, Centroamérica y Colombia que comparten ejemplos de cómo diferentes jurisdicciones están implementando herramientas y programas para mejorar el clima del negocio a nivel local. 

              Panel de ponentes: 

  • Moderador: Angel Landrón-González – Director Adjunto, Oficina de Vivienda, Portland, Oregon  
  • Humberto Mercader Pérez – Subsecretario del Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Comercio (DDEC) de Puerto Rico 
  • Alejandro Arango – Gerente General, Red Nacional de Grupos Gestores, Guatemala 
  • Iris Arroyo – Alcaldesa, Puriscal, Costa Rica Genaro 
  • Redondo Choles – Alcalde, Rioacha, La Guajira, Colombia 

El webinar estará en español. There will be instructions for non-Spanish speakers to read translated captions in their preferred language. Audience questions can be posed in English and Spanish. 

Join us for the second panel in the series on local economic development brought to you by ICMA, LGHN and CAMCAYCA. Listen to four leaders from Puerto Rico, Central America and Colombia who will share examples of how different jurisdictions are implementing tools and programs to improve the business climate at the local level. 

              Panel of Speakers: 

  • Moderator: Angel Landrón-González – Deputy Director, Portland Housing Bureau Humberto
  • Mercader Pérez – Subsecretary of the Departament of Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico 
  • Alejandro Arango – General Manager, National Network of Economic Development Groups, Guatemala 
  • Iris Arroyo – Mayor, Puriscal, Costa Rica Genaro 
  • Redondo Choles - Mayor, Rioacha, La Guajira, Colombia 

The webinar will be in Spanish. There will be instructions for non-Spanish speakers to read translated captions in their preferred language. Audience questions can be asked in English and Spanish.

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A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!