Event Info
From Airbnb to VRBO to Flipkey, the rise of short-term rentals (STRs) continues to be a contentious issue in government for a variety of reasons.
One concern near the core of the debate: The impact STRs have on affordable housing in their communities.
Join us as we dive into this issue with renowned tourism and livable communities expert Dr. Brumby McLeod. He will:
- Review the link between affordable housing and short-term rentals
- Trends in housing and tourism
- How communities can identify whether STRs are affecting their community.
In addition, speakers from Granicus’ Host Compliance will share key enforcement and compliance strategies for the challenging market of short-term rentals.
This webinar is complimentary for ICMA members thanks to the sponsorship of an ICMA Strategic Partner who will have access to registration information.
ICMA Practice Areas: [8] Policy Facilitation and Implementation; [9] Community and Resident Service; [12] Financial Management and Budgeting