In 2012 the City of Carlsbad Transportation Division of the Public Works Department initiated a transformation to a livable streets concept. This began after the Carlsbad City Council asked department heads during a strategic goals session to discuss the best practices in their respective disciplines. Staff introduced “livable or complete streets,” which stresses that a community’s streets ought to be for everyone — young person or old, a mom pushing a stroller or a man in a wheelchair, a bicyclist or a motorist. This marked a departure from the prevailing transportation philosophy, which stressed designing roadways for the largest possible vehicles and volumes traveling at high speeds. The Carlsbad City Council embraced the complete streets model and adopted it as one of the city’s strategic focus areas in January 2012. Since that time the Transportation Division has applied complete streets solutions to transportation challenges to create opportunities for people on our roadways. The city is aligning its solutions with today’s community values of an active, healthy lifestyle and walking, biking and connectedness. By quickly implementing nearly two dozen small and medium projects, the city has created synergy that has rejuvenated the downtown economy and improved safety, while creating a more thriving, active and healthy community.