This strategy and action guide is intended to catalyze action throughout the city of Cleveland. It provides a path to transform Cleveland’s economic foundations in order to create a sustainable economy that supports health, wealth, and prosperity for all of the city’s residents. The guide defines a sustainable economy as one that integrates the goals of economic prosperity, environmental health, and social vitality, one that recognizes that Industrial Era trade-offs between environmental degradation, economic growth, and equity are no longer necessary, and one that supports a social fabric strong enough that all residents and businesses can take advantage of changing economic landscapes over time.

The core purpose of this guide is to support and empower leaders to make tangible progress on matters that are of interest and importance to them. The guide provides a framework in which conversations and actions can take place in a way that aligns with the greater vision of building a sustainable economy.

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A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!