IREC assembled some of the best experts in the country on solar training, education, and workforce development to create this compendium of Best Practices. The documents were thoughtfully designed to give solar instructors the right tools for the job of training a highly skilled, globally competitive solar energy workforce for the 21st Century. This suite of Best Practices documents builds on IREC’s earlier versions of Best Practices from 2008 and 2010.
This second installment of the Solar Energy Education & Training Best Practices: The Series gives a brief overview of the curriculum development process—with special attention to DACUM (Developing A CurriculUM) methodology and JTA. We have used the terms curriculum and program interchangeably because we are discussing the process of development rather than a speci?c set of courses that might constitute a particular curriculum or program.
Typically, an instructional program is a set of structured learning experiences used to teach a particular subject that is offered by an educational institution or recognized educational provider. It can, but does not have to, lead to a formal degree or formal award such as a certi?cation. A curriculum is a set of courses or a plan for a particular area of study that may or may not be linked to a particular provider and may or may not lead to a formal award. The process of course development is addressed in a separate section.