ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability U.S.A. presents a free webinar featuring the city of Beaverton, Oregon’s Solar on Reservoirs project, and Tompkins County, NY’s solarize program. 

The city of Beaverton has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a 433 KW solar system on top of one of their underground water reservoirs, one of their largest energy users. The solar contractor will use city land to construct the array, in exchange for long-term, low electricity rates. This will in turn help keep water rates low for customers and with an estimated $95,000 annual savings from reduced energy costs. The city will also have the option to purchase the system at fair market value after 20 years. For more info on Solar Beaverton, please visit here.

Solar Tompkins is a nonprofit county-side community solar working to double the total amount of solar PV installed at Tompkins County residents and small businesses to date. The program launched at the end of May 2014, and increased solar accessibility and affordability to local residents and business through lower-than-market pricing and simplified process with vetted technology and installation partners. For more info on Solar Tompkins, please visit here.


  • J.R. Killigrew, Membership Program Officer at ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability U.S.A.


  • Chad Tudenggongbu, Renewables Program Officer at ICLEI Local Governments for SustainabilityU.S.A.
  • Cindy Dolezel, Project Manager at Solar Beaverton Program
  • Katherine Borgella, Deputy Commissioner of Planning at Tompkins County Planning Department
  • Melissa Kemp, Program Director at Solar Tompkins Program


Click below for the full webinar:


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