This paper explored the lessons learned from the comparative study of nine cases which involved the implemented use of public-private partnerships in developing infrastructure projects carried out in the Netherlands and show the administrative hurdles that exist when facilitating public-private partnerships. Koppejan (2005) through his analysis discovers three concurrent dominant themes which allow for the identification of barriers and boundaries that exist in the formulation of public-private partnerships. These identifications consist of: economic feasibility, the internal hierarchical struggles within multi-tied government, necessity of intertwining goals among stakeholders and the proper and structured interaction among involved public and private participants. While these discoveries are not inherently unique to the Netherlands, there still exist that the same issue along with the same recommendation may or may not be applied to another country, or more specifically in this case the United States. Additional research in the field of public private partnerships will need to continue to be developed to either affirm or adjust the findings of the Koppejan comparative analysis.

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