UNLESS YOU'RE A CELEBRITY, the big cheese of a major company or just have gobs of money, you probably don't have a personal assistant scampering alongside you, waiting to take care of your every need. Imagine if you did. You wouldn't have to make restaurant reservations, schedule wake-up calls or find directions to that new club - someone else would do it for you, making your life that much easier. Now imagine being able to pack all the grandeur of a personal assistant into something the size of a credit card. You would have the Plano Perks Card, a cell phone-based concierge.

Recipients of the Plano Perks Card call the number listed on the card and are greeted by a live person by name. They can request help with anything from reserving movie tickets to choosing an appropriate wedding gift.

The Plano Convention and Visitors Bureau is providing a complimentary Plano Perks Card to those corporate travelers staying in Plano to help make their current and all future stays in Plano more productive.

With Plano having so many corporate headquarters located within the city we found that about 70% of our overnight visitors were here to do business with these companies. This is a significantly high amount of overnight visitors who have a substantial economic impact on our community and, with this in mind, the Plano Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) set out to find a way to increase service to these visitors without disrupting their visits and their ability to do business while providing them with a service that would make them want to continue to stay in Plano.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!