The City of Largo has long understood the havoc that viscous substances can cause in the sanitary sewer system. When oil, grease and food solids that are discharged into the sanitary sewer by restaurants, cafeterias, commercial garages, and residential households, the immiscible materials accumulate in the sewer lines, eventually blocking the flow. Through the years, blockages have attributed to numerous unauthorized sanitary sewer overflows to the environment, costly backups into homes and restaurants, and countless hours of City labor. Since 1985, the City has regulated the discharges from commercial users by requiring the installation and maintenance of a grease interceptor device. In contrast, the City's ability to regulate the discharge of oil and grease from individual homes has been limited. The City has traditionally taken a reactive approach to domestic grease problems through sanitary sewer line maintenance activities and emergency repairs. However, with improved video inspection technology and the regulation of Privately owned Collection and Transmission Systems, the City has shifted to a proactive approach to domestic grease.


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