During the ICMA strategic planning process, ICMA members noted that now, more than ever, local government professionals are called upon to integrate equitable public service to rapidly diversifying communities. Local governments must consider issues of equity and inclusion that go beyond race, ethnicity, and gender and include variations in age, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, educational attainment, immigration levels, and community size.
The ICMA Task Force on Strengthening Inclusiveness in the Profession and the Task Force on Women in the Profession recommended the creation of this toolkit to equip local governments with strategies and leading practices that are used in communities across the United States and abroad, along with corresponding resources that can be replicated in other communities.
The appendices include an overview of local government and ICMA member diversity, profiles of the communities cited, a list of organizations actively involved in promoting equity and inclusion in government, additional resources, and a glossary of terms useful for individuals and communities when working on these issues.
We hope that this toolkit will provide current and future local government leaders with an additional capacity to ensure that they continue to work toward building equitable and inclusive organizations and communities.