The International City County Management Association (ICMA) has been awarded a CityLinks partnership subcontract by TetraTech ARD, a development consulting firm with a USAID-funded project in Haiti, to match selected municipalities in Haiti with municipalities in the United States to provide mentoring and technical assistance to help implement priority public service delivery projects. The Program is called LOKAL+ and its main objective is to strengthen the capability of municipal governments in selected Haitian communes to provide services.
As a key component of this partnership program, ICMA is reaching out to municipalities in Southeast Florida who are willing to contribute staff time to share good practices with and provide technical assistance to Haitian local governments as well as host representatives from these local governments in their municipality at no cost to the US municipality.
The first step is to fill out the application included in this form. For more information about the program or questions on the application, feel free to contact Isabelle Bully-Omictin at iomictin@icma.org or Colin McCabe at cmccabe@icma.org.