The Guide For Smart Communities: Using GIS Technology for Local Government Management, created in partnership with Esri, reviews specific GIS trends and community projects that use relevant data and innovative technology to improve service delivery and decision making, which may be valuable to jurisdictions on the path to becoming smart communities.
Esri has worked with ICMA for over twenty-five years to encourage creativity and innovation in local governments. A geographic information system (GIS) enables government staffs to easily tap into existing data and citizen feedback and to use that information to answer the most important questions about what is best for the community.
What's Inside:
- How a local government can create new efficiencies, generate cost savings, demonstrate return on investment, and engage everyone using GIS.
- How 2D and 3D GIS help developers and residents alike understand real and potential impacts of a new development.
- The power of storytelling with maps and how a simple mobile strategy leads to real-time decision making.
- How location intelligence is enabling communities to respond faster with more confidence and understanding
We have moved from the Information Age to the Innovation Age. Our future lies not in collecting and processing data, but instead, defining the challenges faced by local governments and analyzing what policies will produce the desired results. Smart communities must approach technology with creative minds.