Rate design is a key element to ensure that all invested solar customers benefit from solar energy development, and collectively continue to drive the reductions in soft costs necessary to materialize the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative’s goal to make solar energy technologies cost-competitive with other forms of energy by reducing the cost of solar energy systems by about 75% before 2020.

ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA, North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center, and the Meister Consultants Group as members of the SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership will present a free hour-long webinar on regulatory and rate design pathways to deeper solar cost reduction relevant to recent discussions on around the county solar fees and net metering. Save the date for November 5th at 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Reserve your webinar seat now REGISTER HERE

In this webinar, we will feature Solar Outreach Partnership’s recent publication entitled Rethinking Standby and Fixed Cost Charges: Regulatory and Rate Design Pathways to Deeper Solar Cost Reductions. Lead authors Jim Kennerly, senior policy analyst at the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center, and Kathryn Wright, Consultant at Meister Consultants Group, will discuss the key findings of their report, including a three-part approach that includes revenue decoupling (allowing utilities to ensure recovery of their costs, meet investors’ expectations, and encourage customers to save energy), a minimum monthly contribution (allowing utilities to recover some revenue from customers who are zero net energy users), and time-of-use pricing (providing both solar and non-solar customers with transparent utility cost information), and other approaches that serve the interests of both solar PV technology and utilities.


Click below for the full webinar:


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