Generative Artificial Intelligence has arrived as an essential leadership tool and while we all scramble to keep pace with its ever-expanding applications, it is important to remember what is most important to most human beings: their community and relationships. As we become more dependent on technology to solve complex problems, many of us are also becoming more removed from our communities and are experiencing unparalleled levels of loneliness and isolation.

This presentation will connect the gifts and opportunities of the digital age with our most human desire: to be included in the group. Storytelling has the unique ability to make human connections not only in real time and space, but virtually and across any digital platform. Attendees will leave this presentation with an understanding of how we arrived in this moment in history, they will feel an optimism about AI and its role in leadership, and then ground in confidence that we can continue to practice our oldest social skill: storytelling.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participant will comprehend the vast potential Generative Artificial Intelligence has to offer local leaders in their content creation, communication strategies, organization and networking.
  • You will how storytelling, and in particular Restorative Storytelling, can help local leaders use digital tools with facility and presence, and avoid the associated overwhelm and anxiety.
  • Learn to consciously and effectively use storytelling and listening techniques with every day tasks, including internal communication, messaging, conflict resolution, problem solving and decision making.


New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!