Agencies and departments at all levels of government, and the public sector more broadly, are facing unprecedented pressure to cut their budgets and tighten their belts. This time, the usual budget-cutting tactics—deferred expenditures, hiring freezes and creative accounting techniques—will not be sufficient to achieve the demanded cost savings. Government agencies must find a way to do more with less if they are to successfully pursue their missions in these turbulent times. But how can they find a solution that enables them to truly do more with fewer resources? The first and most crucial step sounds counterintuitive. It comes from recognizing that the answer to the budget problem cannot be found simply by looking harder at the budget. For agencies seeking to do more with less, the budget-centric mental model is a trap that inadvertently constrains innovative thinking about how to manage spending. The authors of this Monitor Group whitepaper provide keys to breaking out of the 'budget-mindset trap' and enabling your organization to get on the track to enhanced performance with fewer resources.