The Alliance’s Connected Communities white paper identifies steps local governments can take to achieve a higher level of citizen engagement by strengthening connections – with the community, in the community, and across the various actions taken to involve citizens.
James Svara and Janet Denhardt, Editors of the White Paper and Professors at Arizona State
University, draw on twelve essays written by experts on citizen engagement to consider four crucial questions:
• What are the alternative goals of citizen participation and engagement?
• What is citizen engagement and what forms does it take?
• Who is responsible for citizen engagement eff orts?
• How does citizen engagement contribute to community building?
The White Paper links goals with alternative strategies and methods and evaluates the views of leading researchers in the fi eld. Readers will fi nd model case studies of local governments that involve citizens in decision making, dialogue, delivering services, and shared eff orts to solve problems. The White Paper outlines steps to take in developing partnerships with citizens and community organizations that strengthen engagement and foster community. Explore the methods to form a comprehensive and integrated approach to citizen engagement that creates the connected community.