This document, published by AARP and Smart Growth America, offers guidance and materials for use by Complete Streets supporters in the Southeast United States. It begins with an overview of Complete Streets and how the concept has been adopted to the Southeastern context. Some advice on building support for Complete Streets policies and practices is provided, followed by a brief discussion on the types of activities needed to implement Complete Streets successfully.
A variety of resources based in real examples from the Southeast complete the tool kit: case studies of six communities; useful fact sheets for each state; a link to a downloadable introductory presentation; sample letters to the editor and editorials; a document audit; a model implementation plan from Cobb County, Georgia; a template implementation plan; an excerpt from Charlotte, North Carolina’s six-step decision-making process; and a worksheet to model that process locally.
Taken together, this tool kit provides readers with tools to effectively support the adoption and implementation of Complete Streets in their own communities.
For more information on AARP's Livable Communities resources, visit www.aarp.org/livable.