The competitive services policy of Arlington, Texas (333,000), requires that all city departments periodically review all their services to provide the highest quality services at the lowest cost and ensure that competitive service decisions enhance efficiency. For each service, the department must determine which of the following options is most appropriate: elimination, retention, reengineering, collaboration with other jurisdictions, transfer of control to an outside entity, outsourcing, or managed competition. The department presents its findings to the competitive services steering committee, which includes the deputy city manager, finance director, and human resources director. If a service is designated for managed competition, city staff submit a proposal that is reviewed, along with proposals from outside vendors, for price and quality. If an outside vendor is selected, the vendor must agree to develop a plan for existing city employees. Often, the city employees are hired by the vendor or transfer to another city department. Karen VanWinkle Management Analyst City of Arlington P.O. Box 90231 Mail Stop 01-0300 Arlington, TX 76004 817/459-6112 Fax: 817/459-6116 E-mail:


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