A couple of years ago the City of Tigard embarked on a 20 year Comprehensive Plan to implement a bold vision around creating a Complete Community. To reach this vision, the City needed to align its resources and activities, especially the people that will make it a reality. By ensuring that the organization and culture of the City is aligned to the vision and strategies, the City determined that it would be able to move the organization toward its desired end state.
As part of this effort, the Executive Staff team got together to discuss what the Complete Community would look like – a place that had true commitment to excellence, the community and its employees. The City Council also spearheaded an effort to give Tigard its own unique identity. As a result, the City chose the tag line of “A Place to Call Home.”
The City worked with Coraggio Group from Portland, Oregon, to identify several “reputational values” that it needed employees to embrace in order for the vision to become real and to become considered a place to call home. The objective was to bring the reputational values to life within the organization by ensuring that employees understood and operated by these values, and to incorporate them in the daily work so that they would significantly impact hiring decisions, performance management tools and recognition.