Last summer, the city of Bothell, Washington (30,000), held a special ceremony to honor a teen for her community service project, which benefited all the residents of Bothell. The teen, Kelly Huckins, worked with the city’s public works supervisor to identify an appropriate community service project so that she could earn her Girl Scout gold star. Ms. Huckins learned that a local park was divided by a ditch and some vegetation and, as a result, residents could not safely reach part of the park. Ms. Huckins organized local volunteers to design a pedestrian bridge. She persuaded local builders to donate building materials, and she coordinated the volunteer bridge builders. During the recognition ceremony, which the city publicized with a press release and a Web site notice, Ms. Huckins cut the ribbon on the new bridge and received a plaque from the interim city manager. Joyce Goedeke Public Information Officer City of Bothell 18305 101st Avenue Northeast Bothell, WA 98011 425/489-4871 Fax: 425/486-2434 E-mail: joyce.goedeke@ci.bothell.wa.us