The City of Aransas Pass is soliciting sealed bids from qualified contactors for the following work: Project Name: 2014 Aquatic Center Management Services Bid Opening: Wednesday, December 10 2014 @ 2:00 PM CST The scope of work is to provide pool management services for the Aransas Pass Aquatic Center Located at 300 E. Johnson Avenue in Aransas Pass, Texas. Bid packages may be obtained from City of Aransas Pass Parks & Recreation (361-758-2441 or mcamarillo@aransaspasstx.gov). Bids must be sealed and returned to the City of Aransas Pass (By Mail – P.O. Box 2000, Aransas Pass, TX 78335; or in Person – 600 W. Cleveland), by the stated deadline at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids must have the project name clearly marked. The City of Aransas Pass reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and wave informalities.