This report by U.S. Army tracks ongoing developments related to the Base Realignment and Closure Act of 2005 a nationwide, congressionally-mandated restructuring of military personnel that has been ongoing since the September 11th attacks. Over the last ten years, in an effort to better consolidate and deploy national security resources, the U.S. military has instituted a massive restructuring and reshuffling of defense personnel through base merges and closures.

These moves have affected hundreds of thousands of military and civilian personnel throughout the country and created logistical nightmares in many cities, towns and counties of almost every state. The attached report serves as one of many iterations of the U.S. Army's attempt to mitigate these problems through feedback and refinement o the process. Specific base realignment issues in different states are listed along with background information, relevant complaints from local and state officials about the process, and recommendations for how to address these issues as much as possible.

76 Pages

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